QSL Card Showcase

QSL Card Showcase

Everyone enjoys viewing QSL cards. For the non-ham radio folks, a brief explanation is in order. QSL cards serve as confirmation that a two-way radio transmission took place between two amateur radio operators. A typical card usually includes a picture on the front and details about the radio contact on the back; although some cards are single-sided and show both picture and contact details on the same side. Hams enjoy receiving cards from distant places.

On this page we invite hams to share their favorite QSL card with the public. Just send a scan of your favorite card to our email address: [email protected]. In the email please include a brief (25 words maximum, please) explanation of what makes the card special to you. We will display your card on this page for all to admire.

Check back often. New cards are added at the top of the list.

(Card courtesy of Ed, K1AP. Ed is on the DXCC Honor Roll with 347 confirmed countries / entities. Way to go, Ed!)

(Card courtesy of Bruce, W8HW. Bruce is on the DXCC Honor Roll with 338 confirmed countries / entities. Congratulations, Bruce!)

(Another card courtesy of Bruce, W8HW. Geography lesson: Macquarie Island is an Australian territory in the south Pacific ocean about 900 miles southeast of Tasmania.)

(Card courtesy of our dear friend Fred, W2FKF. Fred is on the DXCC Honor Roll with credit for 353 confirmed DXCC entities.)

(Another card from Fred, W2FKF. Geography lesson: Desecheo Island is a U.S. possession located 13 miles west of Puerto Rico.)

(Card courtesy of Bruce, WA3RHW.)

(Another card courtesy of Bruce, WA3RHW. Geography lesson: Ducie Island is located in the south Pacific about 290 miles east of Pitcairn Island.)

(Card courtesy of Bob, AI4RB. Geography lesson: Western Sahara is a desert country in northwest Africa.)

(Qatar card courtesy of Bob, AI4RB. Geography lesson: Qatar is a small Persian Gulf nation.)