ADT Memories

ADT Memories

Me entire working career was spent in the employ of ADT Security Systems. When I started on January 2, 1964, the company was known as The American District Telegraph Company. More specifically, the office where I was employed was known as The Philadelphia Local Telegraph Company, a Controlled Company of American District Telegraph Company. 50 years later, in 2014 I retired from ADT.

On these pages I will share memories, photos and mementoes of my ADT career.

The ADT Folks in the Service project. This project recognizes and salutes those ADT employees who left the company and went off to fight in World War 2.

To go to the project page, Click Here.

The ADT Transmitter archive. From 1929 to 1970 ADT published a monthly newsletter / magazine featuring short stories about ADT involvement in fire, burglary and other property protection events. Copies of selected newsletters have been archived on this web site. The newsletters offer some interesting reading. Be sure to check them out.

To learn more about the newsletters, and view or download issues, Click Here.

The Capture Club. Created in 1930, the Capture Club recognized guards who responded to incidents where bad guys were captured as a result of ADT burglar, holdup and emergency alarms. A later enhancement was the Capture Club Award program which expanded recognition to include the offices with the most captures during a calendar year.

To learn more about the Capture Club story, Click Here.

Photos, Mementos and Memorabilia. Pictures, letters and other odds and ends from my 50-year ADT career. To view, Click Here.