The ADT Transmitter
According to publisher notes, The ADT Transmitter was, “A monthly news-magazine of outstanding events and features concerning fire, burglary and holdup . . . edited and distributed for the information of employees, subscribers and other interested persons.” The ADT Transmitter was published monthly from 1929 to 1970.
All issues of The ADT Transmitter are 8 pages in length and printed on standard 8-1/2 x 11 inch paper. Layout is 3 columns per page, with pictures interspersed throughout each issue.
The ADT Transmitter was printed in two slightly different formats. Early issues from 1929 to 1936 were newspaper-like in format and printed in a single color (black).
Beginning in 1937 the format became more magazine-like, with a tri-color (red, black and white) title across the upper two inches of the front page, and a black and white photo filling the remainder of the page. Remaining pages were mono-color (black). Most pages included a photo or two.
With the change in format, content also changed. Issues from 1929 to 1936 highlighted primarily internal organizational activities, such as captures, promotions, etc. The format revision in 1937 altered content, by providing more focus on the customer. Most articles included subscriber names and reported fires, burglaries, holdups and other events where ADT services were involved. Editorial content was also expanded, providing a forum to discuss topics of interest in loss prevention and the merits of ADT protection.
A number of ADT Transmitter issues have been scanned and uploaded to this web site. Also, an index of subscriber names appearing in the newsletters has be created. Details for viewing and/or downloading the files are on the ADT Transmitter Archives page.